I've often had people ask lately how the adoption process is coming and if there is any news. The short answer is that no, there is no news. We are waiting. Summer has been busy with both the usual fun activities but also unexpected things that have made it feel….weird. It's hard to believe it's mid-July. I haven't been dwelling on the waiting because there has just been so much going on.
We did have 2 potential adoptions that we had the opportunity to say "yes" to having the birthparents look at our profile book. Neither of them seemed likely based on what we knew ahead of time to be their preferences, but with both we went in praying that if that was to be the match God had for us, it would happen. We were not chosen for either to them, which honestly wasn't very disappointing I think because it seemed unlikely in the first place. I have a feeling it will be much harder if the time comes where it seems like the "perfect" fit to us and we aren't chosen.
So for now we keep waiting for more circulars (e-mails regarding potential adoptive children). Nora had her 3rd birthday at the end of June and with our girls now 5 and 3, things are getting increasingly easier. It's hard to imagine having a baby at times. It's also hard to trust in God's timing as the age gap continues to increase between Nora and our next child. It's weird to think that we officially started this process 6 months ago…. in a way it's like I'm 6 months pregnant but have no idea if the due date will be another typical 3 months, 3 weeks, or 3 years.
So though it's hard at times, we continue to have faith in God's perfect timing and plan for the child and birth family He will match us with. Please continue to pray for us, for our future child, and for the birth family throughout this process.